Friday, March 21, 2008

March 22, 2008 ~ Welcome!

It is the beginning of Spring 2008 and the beginning of our blog.  We are only a few months away from welcoming our daughter into our family!  We hope that starting our blog will give us a new avenue to keep everyone up to date on our latests happenings.

Lat night we had a strange but tasty dinner.  It was root beer stew.  Allyssa Wheeler had made it earlier in the week - just kind of throwing things together.  Ours was a little different but still tasty.  You just use some crushed or pureed tomatoes and a glass bottle of root beer as your base.  Who would have thought!

1 comment:

  1. now all we have to do is get Stephanie to start a blog - then we can keep up on all our children. Mom
