Monday, August 20, 2012

Olympics Part 2 - Road trip to the bronze

The following video is of a true fan, albeit it was actually at the first game we went to...

The Olympics Bronze Match was a bit further away than the semifinals so we decided to book a hotel room.  ROAD TRIP!

Pit stop for dinner, Anna's yogurt choice

We arrive at the hotel

Our Room

Breakfast and a lecture

Racing in the halls


Much needed binoculars as you can see we don't have front row this time. We actually sat further back than our seats because they were in the sun, this way we were nicely shaded, it was a hot day.

The teams in action and the entire empty side of the stadium

Enjoying the game, notice the slight dimple on her forehead, yep 6 weeks ago that was a little bruise

Look closely and notice a little bird on the field, this was a quite a highlight during the game, which only had one goal scored during the additional minutes at the end of the game

They had healthy snack options, Yeah!

Anna's choice, of course the line was SOOOOO long, shouldn't this tell people something, more healthy snacks stadiums!
This one can only be called the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat

Canada Celebrates!

Our Souvenir, bonus, it is also a scarf 

 Anna gets a gold for the biggest wedgie 

How I found Lizzie passed out during our car ride

Stop off at the mall for some dinner

And a bit of exercise, dirty floors, but kids having to sit the entire day, earned it.

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